Friday, July 22, 2022

Go and Tell Lessons

Yesterday at camp, God blessed me so much. I had two groups, the Blue Group the first hour and the Red Group the second hour.

You never know how a lesson will go the first time you teach it. I always learn more and adjust as I go. When it was time to place the Blue Group into four groups to play the Go Tell Game. I just assigned them groups. Then I gave them their assignments. 

When I asked Blue Group 1 if they would like to stay together or split up to go tell the Bible story. They chose to stay together. So we were one big group traveling from group to group to tell the story. They did it, but it took a long time and there was ALOT of waiting for the other groups. I knew this could happen so I gave them things to discuss while waiting. 

We did not get to finish the lesson, but they left knowing we are called to be His witnesses in our city, state, with people we don't like, and the nations. I later heard that they were retelling their Bible story at crafts so they did get it.

The Red Group came in ready to go. When I divided them up, I tweaked it one way. I simply asked who in the room wants to be the storyteller? I then chose them to be Group 1. 

After giving group assignments I asked them, "Do you want to go as a group or split up?" They jumped up and down and said, "Split up!" So I let them choose where they went. They equally divided and ran to their groups to go tell the Bible story.

The Red Group was able to tell all of the groups the Bible story and even bring others along to go tell other groups. They multiplied faster and more people heard the story and more people told the story.

What an incredible visual God gave me through the two groups. When we say, "I don't want to leave my group. We want to stay together. We can't do it unless others are with us." We still get it done, but not as fast and not to all places. It means alot of people do not hear in time before they die. But, when we get it, go, and give it away in as many places as we can then more people hear and more can get the call to go. We multiply faster. 

I had no clue how God was going to use this lesson, but He sure gave me a great visual that I will now use as a model as to why we each have a responsibility to go. 

What does your church look like the Blue Group or the Red Group? Pray you and your church become a Red Group! 

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