Monday, January 4, 2021

I prayed for 3 and circled the number 3

(Art created by Marge Mowczko take from

Our small little church was holding a women’s retreat in our living room. The speaker was tall and beautiful. The kind of person you look at and say, “I want to be like her!” She was the most organized woman I had ever met. She was introducing us to a Day-Timer-Calendar that held spiritual components so we could get organized in all areas of our life. I was young and eager to learn. I had no idea that one of the concepts that she shared with us would be a life-changer for me. She asked, “Have you ever asked Jesus to give a certain number of disciples in a year?” “Uhm, no!” I could honestly say, I had never prayed for the LORD to give me a certain number of souls. She then said, “I want you to pause and pray right now and ask God for a number of people for you to be the one to lead to Him this year! I want you to write it down in your calendar and circle it. Then go back and see what God does for you this year!” I thought, “Oh my that is bold. WOW! I am really going to go big here… 3! Yep! I wrote down three and circled it big and then worried that I was asking God for too much. How in the world would He ever use me to lead three whole people to Him this year? I feared God would not answer my request and I would fail. LOL! 
As the Minister to Children and Family Life for our church, I was responsible for the follow up on cards that were filled out by parents or children that visited our Safety Fair the week before. So, on Monday after the retreat I was going through the cards and noticed that Nancy had written down that she wanted to know more about Jesus. I called her up and asked her, “Nancy has anyone ever shared with you how to know Jesus?” She responded by saying, “No, but sure would love for someone to do so.” Okay, that was fast! I thought, “God, what are you doing?” So, I asked her, “Would you like for me to come over and share Jesus with you?” Nancy said, “Yes, how about Monday at 4:00 pm?” So, I found myself driving to Nancy’s house on Monday a week later. 

As I drove to Nancy’s house that day, I was white knuckled! I had been to seminary, but I had never personally shared Jesus with anyone that I knew that had decided to become a Jesus follower. I was terrified of messing things up! I prayed hard and begged God to show up. I had said the prayer and He was out to show me this is the kind of prayer He will not say, “No!” to! I would like to say it was hard, but it wasn’t! Nancy was what you would call ripe fruit that was ready to be picked. I just happened to be the person that bumped into her to help her understand the Scriptures. I stayed for a couple of hours as Nancy and I talked about what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. She then asked me to come and share Jesus with her son, Logan, the next Monday at 4:00 pm. I did. Then her daughter, Morgan, the next. Both of them became followers of Jesus. This hit me quite profoundly. I had only asked God for three people to become followers of Jesus in a year and He showed me that He could use me to lead three people in three weeks. Well, more than that, it was over the course of six weeks I went to Nancy’s house to share with someone that needed to know about Jesus or recommit to Jesus. Eventually, I stopped counting that year. It was enough that I realized that I should not limit God with just a number. If He can use a Samaritan woman to lead a whole village to Him, then He could use me. 

The whole point of a testimony is to bear witness to what I have seen and heard and in the case of being a Jesus follower it is to tell what I have seen and heard about Jesus. When I do this from an authentic heart of what Christ is at work in me then others will come along and want to join in the beauty of what God is creating in me and would like to do so in them! 

What makes an effective testimony?

Taken from:

I am reading through the Samaritan woman in preparation for the podcasts for Wholly Loved Ministries and I am caught by the beauty and simplicity of a testimony! It never ceases to surprise me that when I study a passage that I have studied many times through the years that God brings out something new. Last year I was caught off guard by the reality that the disciples were sent into the Samaritan woman's town to get food. It occured to me that the disciples somehow missed the bigger picture of the harvest. They were distracted by the physical need to get food for their master and in the process forgot to take spiritual food to the villagers. I realized that I could not be upset with the disciples because I do this all the time. You know the drill, I rush into the store to get food and instead of taking time to make eye-contact and have conversations with the strangers in the store. I keep my eyes focused on what I want and need and get out. Instead of going through the longer check-out I might rush to to the self-check out so that I don't have to bother with human contact. Instead of helping the person struggling to get something off the shelf I walk by and move on because I worry they might not appreciate the lack of social distances. I assume and presume my way in and through the store without ever once thinking of the soul harvest right there before me. 

As I reflected on this Samaritan woman this time, God caught me by the effectiveness of her testimony. It helps to know that it would be considered embarrassing for John to write a story about a woman, muchless a Samaritan woman as the one who led the entire village to Jesus. Theologians refer to this type of testimony as validity by embarrassment. They would not tell it unless it was true because honorable men would not talk to women of ill-repute or to a Samaritan woman much less use it as story to share Jesus. Oh the crazy and foolish barriers we put up in culture. GOD forgive us! I love how this woman was so fast! One theologian called it the "Cry of a new life" (Holman Bible Commentary: John, quoting Boice). There is something beautiful about such a cry. It is honest and simple. 

So, I found myself asking, What makes an effective testimony based on the woman at the well? I noticed a few things that caught me. Simple statements like "Come and see!" are inclusive and initiates the conversation. But, the woman didn't just tell them what they needed to know. She asked questions that invited them to reflect on their own thoughts to determine their answer. She asked, "Could this be the Messiah?" I love that she was inquisitive enough to pose questions to Jesus and to those in her community. Her passion was undeniable! She went to go get water, but was so excited she left her jar behind and chose to share her felt experience and express it in such a way that she ignited others to want to join! Her invitation to come and see included welcome and participation! 

It makes me wonder if I give testimony so simply. Am I inclusive and intiate conversations? Do I inquire and ask questions to invite reflection? Am I ignited so that others see my passion and want to join in? Do I invite a spirit of welcome? Her testimony to come and see is so welcoming because her passion and transformation are evident to all who know her. Have you reflected on sharing your testmony? Can you say these are also true of you? Or are you like me and the disciples and have moments where you focus on the need of the moment rather than the harvest fields? I know I want to be more like the Samaritan woman. How about you? 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

How to pray through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation

Do you sometimes wonder does God hear my prayers?  How do I pray in God's will? This will help you to know what to look for to help you pray with authority, power, and in the will of God. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Do I teach anything that is universal?

I often ask myself if a concept I am teaching is universal. Will it apply anywhere and why? Get this! God's love is universal! In His gracious love, God sent Jesus that all who believe in Him will have the gift of eternal life. All people need to know they are loved. All people need to know they have value. All people need to know they have a purpose. These truths are universal. I love that God gives good gifts. We do not have to work for it, compete for it, or even earn it. His love is free. We simply receive His love given in the gift of His Son, Jesus. I have visited people in many nations, jail, prison, homeless shelters, hospitals... always the heart of the issue... Am I loved? Do I have value? Where do I belong?  What is my purpose? The answer is found in knowing God and His plan. He loves you! He created you! He has a purpose for you! He has a gift for you... Jesus! We must simply believe.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Spiritual synergy is born in mutuality


(Deborah; prophetess and only female judge of Israel (held office 1260 - 1221 B.C.) 
akg-images / Balage Balogh /

When Greg asked me to marry him, he told me that we have “synergy”. He said that we were better together than we were apart. At the time, I did not get it. I did not think it was very romantic. I am so blessed that Greg had a big picture vision of how we would be better together for the LORD than we would be a part. He was more spiritually discerned than I was and recognized that when we worked together the power of God was more effective through us and that we were better at building community together than we were apart. At one point, Greg even went so far as to tell me that one day God would use me to teach in other nations. I laughed at him because I did not see the vision as he did. I cannot begin to tell you how often in my life I have pondered Greg’s wisdom and his patience in collaborating with me. I am so thankful that he was willing to abide with God and hear from God about how we would be better together than we are apart.

This reminds me of Deborah in the Bible. She heard from God a message that she needed to give to Barak. She listened and obeyed. She was patient with Barak as he learned how to collaborate to help the nation find victory over their enemy.

As I studied Deborah and Barak recently God really pressed in on me on the importance of synergy. I realized how valuable a gift it is when we were with someone that gets it. The truth is that there are two levels of partnership that must take place for us to have a synergistic relationship. Spiritual synergy must begin with God. It is about us crying out to God and seeking Him, knowing Him, and desiring to hear from Him and be with Him. When we have developed this relationship we will discover that we are just like Deborah and able to hear a clear message from God and go forth and give messages that will help route enemies in the lives of those around us. Our trust in God and His work in us makes us trustworthy to those around us which will then build in the synergistic relationship with have with others. 

Spiritual synergy is born from mutuality! Give and take! Without mutuality, the relationship will die!  Spiritual synergy is born in abiding and then is grown through agreement, concession, collaboration, exchange, and reciprocity. At any point, we can stop this synergistic momentum. We can hinder our spirituality by not abiding with God and we can hinder by not being willing to grow in mutuality with others. This can make marriage a nightmare, work unbearable, and friendships die. But, when we are willing to grow in mutuality born of abiding in the LORD then we discover that we are willing to dare to do something we might be afraid to do like Barak going into battle against Sisera or slaying the enemy with a tent stake like Jael. 

On a more personal level, spiritual synergy helps me to slay me! Yeah, you heard me! Sometimes, my greatest enemy is growing in synergy is me. When I am caught up in my emotions, thoughts, habits, or wants and desires and I do not seek the LORD before I speak or act then I am the one that has taken myself out of the mutuality of synergy. I actually rob myself of the gift of synergy. Why would I do that? UGH! It really annoys me when I do because there is nothing more beautiful than when two work together in a synergistic relationship. 

I recently read four facts about synergy by Darren T. Carte at I love the four facts that he used to summarize synergy. 1. Synergy helps us to create something we cannot do on our own. 2. Synergy releases power as we partner with others. 3. Synergy is born out of shared responsibilities in the community. 4. Synergy that is born of God will build the next generation! Think about it. It is all about RELATIONSHIPS! Our relationship with God and then our relationship with others. One feeds the other and both are what make us able to slay our enemies! 

Synergistic relationships strengthen us and lighten our load. They enable multiplication to take place and allow our tent stakes to expand beyond us. I want spiritual synergy in my life! Don't you? I find myself asking, What do I need to do to make sure that I am abiding in a healthy way with God so that I may hear His heart and speak from His heart? Who are the people that I need to seek to find mutuality with through collaboration, agreement, the exchange of ideas, reciprocity, and at times concession? I am so thankful for the maturity of Greg in my life to recognize that we have synergy! Who does God want you to do that for in your life today?

A telling of the story of the census that Caesar Augustus required told by a child in the Hope for Children Orphanage