Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

King Nebuchadnezzar's Testimony

I have studied Daniel through small group studies and church, but for whatever reason this is the first time that I caught the truth that Daniel didn’t write Daniel 4. Daniel 4 is the testimony of King Nebuchadnezzar sharing about how he came know and praise the Most High God.

It wasn’t just a testimony shared with a family member or a neighbor. It was a testimony that was written and sent to all nations and peoples of every language. Maybe it is because I am teaching a course on evangelism and missions. Maybe it is because I am reminding students to tell their story.

Every good story has good guys and bad guys, a problem or struggle, an “ah ha” moment, and a resolution. As I read Daniel 4, my mind exploded as I realized Nebuchadnezzar shared a great testimony!

1. King Neb shared his struggle. He had a dream he didn’t understand.
2. King Neb shared his issue. Pride.
3. Daniel shared the solution. Acknowledge the Most High God, acknowledge heaven rules, repent, do righteousness, and do justice.
4. King Neb did not! He continued on his journey. Hearing and seeing again God's work but ignoring Him.
5. King Neb shared the moment of his fall and how bad it got. He became like an ox eat the grass of the field. His hair grew long, and his nails were like claws.
6. King Neb shared his restoration came when he acknowledged the Most High God and His eternal rule.

He then told everyone all about his journey of humbling to praise the Most High GOD!

It is such a great story. You should go and read it now! Can you imagine all of the nation’s leaders receiving this letter from King Nebuchadnezzar? What a shock!

King Nebuchadnezzar was known for being impetuous, violent, and irrational. He was the ruler of the biggest ruling nation, and he could make you bow to a statue simply because he had music played. Even though God had been reaching out to get his attention, he wasn’t listening to God. In his mind, he was a god, and all should bow to him. He wasn’t willing to listen even when Jesus showed up in the fiery furnace that had killed the men throwing Daniel’s three friends in. But, GOD had a plan! God was after this bad guy!

At this point Daniel is the leader of the wise men in Babylon, so when the king had a dream that his magicians and sorcerers could not interpret, Daniel was brought in as the pitch hitter for the team. The king’s last resort or the wisdom team’s hail Mary.

The king had a dream. Since Daniel had already proven that he could tell the king what his dream meant because God spoke to him. The king said, “I know the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no mystery is too hard for you.” King Nebuchadnezzar gave attribute to his lowly gods as if they were the reason Daniel was able to interpret the dreams.

Once God revealed to Daniel the dream’s meaning, he was terrified. In humility, Daniel wished aloud that the dream was about one of the king’s enemies instead. The king cried out, “Just tell me!” Daniel was a truth teller because the One he served was Truth.

“You are the tree!”

In the dream, the big, glorious tree was huge, full of strength, prominence, width, depth, height, fruit, fullness, shade, shelter, and beauty. There was nothing like it providing for the beasts of the earth and the birds of the air. “You are the tree. Great and strong. The messenger is of God. You will be cut down. You will be driven away from your people. You will live with the animals. Eat like an animal. The dew will cover you. Seven years will pass until you acknowledge the Most High is Ruler over all kingdoms. You will not be restored until you acknowledge that, Heaven Rules!”

Daniel then began to seek the king’s well-being hoping that a change of heart might change history about to unfold. He boldly stated, “Your majesty please accept my advice: renounce your sins, do righteousness, and seek justice by being kind to the oppressed.

The meaning was given, but it took an entire year before the dream was fulfilled. On the day that King Nebuchadnezzar asked, “Isn’t this the great Babylon that I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”

Instantly the Voice of heaven spoke, “This is what was decreed to you, King Nebuchadnezzar: your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven from your people. Eat like an animal. Eat grass like an ox for seven years until you acknowledge that the Most High is Ruler over all and gives them to anyone He wishes.”

King Nebuchadnezzar was driven from his people, and he ate with the animals as his body was drenched by the dew. His hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails were like the claws of a bird.

Once, seven years passed and his sanity was restored. King Nebuchadnezzar declared, “Once my sanity was restored and I praised the Most High God. My kingdom was restored to me. Now, I Nebuchadnezzar praise, exalt, and glorify the King of Heaven because everything He does is righteous and just. Those who walk in pride He is able to humble!”


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Acknowledge that Heaven Rules

'Acknowledge that "Heaven Rules!"' (Daniel 4:26)

I do not know how I never caught that phrase before, but yesterday it lept off the page at me. Daniel sure had gumption! 

Daniel interpreted his second dream for the volatile King of Babylon and then said, "Therefore, my king be pleased to accept my advice: renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be then that your prosperity will come." (Daniel 4:27)

This is worth repeating in my own words.
1. Repent
2. Do right
3. Be kind to the oppressed

Our greatest economy are our people. The LORD blesses through those around us.

God sure demonstrated patience with Nebuchadnezzar and blessed him with Daniel. I realize that Daniel might not have thought of his captivity as a blessing, but Daniel never stopped being a blessing. He understood the value of investing well in those around him. He spoke truth, gave God glory, and pressed on in serving as if he served God and not man. God used him over a very long period of time to be an instrument in King Nebuchadnezzar's life. 

Daniel 4 is the only chapter not written by Daniel. It is unique because it is the testimony of King Nebuchadnezzar sharing how he came to his senses and believed in the Most High God. 

He addresses all people every where in a letter so that they might hear about God's most miraculous signs and wonders and that the Most High God's kingdom is eternal with dominion over every generation. 

It wasn't until King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that HEAVEN RULES and he praised the Most High God as sovereign over all that his sanity, after seven years of acting like an animal, was restored. God never gave up on him. The moment he renounced and proclaimed God restored him.

It is important to note King Nebuchadnezzar's last documented words in the Bible, "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything He does is right and all His ways are just. And those who walk in pride He is able to humble."

Do you need to acknowledge that "heaven rules"? The same rules apply today.
1. Repent
2. Do right
3. Be kind to the oppressed

Who might you need to be willing to speak with gumption to about the Lord?

Father, please restore our sanity across this land cause our leaders choose to acknowledge that heaven rules.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

How to share a testimony based on Paul's Testimony before King Agrippa in Acts 26

I was recently asked by a leader in an oral context how to tell a personal testimony in an oral culture. I didn't want to just give the typical here are the three things you must do. It is important to me that I am using Scripture as the authority to teach the process.

Who better to start with than Paul as he stood before King Agrippa? 

So, I am looking up various stories in the Bible that model sharing a testimony. 

Here is what I discovered from Paul's encounter in Acts 26. Go check it out and see if I missed anything.

1. Get permission to speak. 

2. Find a way to bring honor to the one you speak to. This is not for manipulation, but for connection!

3. Share about the one thing in your past that has changed the most. Do not give ugly details. Simply the gist of it.

4. Share the hope you now have in Jesus.

5. Explain why you are now sharing with the one you seek to honor with your testimony.

6. Share why it is important to know Jesus and what one must do as a next step. 

   A. Open your eyes. 
   B. Move from darkness to light.             C. Receive forgiveness. 
   D. Repent and turn to God.             
   E. Produce the deeds in keeping with repentance.

7. Give praise to God for His help.

8. Speak boldly even when accused and rejected as you are called out of your mind.

9. Point out that you are speaking truth rationally. Make sure you do so!

10. Point out how you and the one you are sharing agree. 

11. Be persuasive so that a nerve is struck.

12. Express that you long for them to be like you in what you know and believe. 

Please know there is no set order and there may not be all of these elements, but it is a good pattern to follow because it is provided as an example in Scripture.

Monday, January 4, 2021

What makes an effective testimony?

Taken from:

I am reading through the Samaritan woman in preparation for the podcasts for Wholly Loved Ministries and I am caught by the beauty and simplicity of a testimony! It never ceases to surprise me that when I study a passage that I have studied many times through the years that God brings out something new. Last year I was caught off guard by the reality that the disciples were sent into the Samaritan woman's town to get food. It occured to me that the disciples somehow missed the bigger picture of the harvest. They were distracted by the physical need to get food for their master and in the process forgot to take spiritual food to the villagers. I realized that I could not be upset with the disciples because I do this all the time. You know the drill, I rush into the store to get food and instead of taking time to make eye-contact and have conversations with the strangers in the store. I keep my eyes focused on what I want and need and get out. Instead of going through the longer check-out I might rush to to the self-check out so that I don't have to bother with human contact. Instead of helping the person struggling to get something off the shelf I walk by and move on because I worry they might not appreciate the lack of social distances. I assume and presume my way in and through the store without ever once thinking of the soul harvest right there before me. 

As I reflected on this Samaritan woman this time, God caught me by the effectiveness of her testimony. It helps to know that it would be considered embarrassing for John to write a story about a woman, muchless a Samaritan woman as the one who led the entire village to Jesus. Theologians refer to this type of testimony as validity by embarrassment. They would not tell it unless it was true because honorable men would not talk to women of ill-repute or to a Samaritan woman much less use it as story to share Jesus. Oh the crazy and foolish barriers we put up in culture. GOD forgive us! I love how this woman was so fast! One theologian called it the "Cry of a new life" (Holman Bible Commentary: John, quoting Boice). There is something beautiful about such a cry. It is honest and simple. 

So, I found myself asking, What makes an effective testimony based on the woman at the well? I noticed a few things that caught me. Simple statements like "Come and see!" are inclusive and initiates the conversation. But, the woman didn't just tell them what they needed to know. She asked questions that invited them to reflect on their own thoughts to determine their answer. She asked, "Could this be the Messiah?" I love that she was inquisitive enough to pose questions to Jesus and to those in her community. Her passion was undeniable! She went to go get water, but was so excited she left her jar behind and chose to share her felt experience and express it in such a way that she ignited others to want to join! Her invitation to come and see included welcome and participation! 

It makes me wonder if I give testimony so simply. Am I inclusive and intiate conversations? Do I inquire and ask questions to invite reflection? Am I ignited so that others see my passion and want to join in? Do I invite a spirit of welcome? Her testimony to come and see is so welcoming because her passion and transformation are evident to all who know her. Have you reflected on sharing your testmony? Can you say these are also true of you? Or are you like me and the disciples and have moments where you focus on the need of the moment rather than the harvest fields? I know I want to be more like the Samaritan woman. How about you? 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Do it again! Asking God to repeat Himself!

(“Woman At The Well” by Bryn Gillette)

Can you tell what God has done for your own soul? I remember the first time I stood in the front of a foundations class of a hundred or more pastors and ministry leaders to share my testimony, I was terrified. My hands shook and well I would most certainly need a shower after nervousness poured out of my skin. I thought that to share my testimony meant to share my personal story. It does, but it also doesn't.  I learned very quickly the hard way that my story was as painful to listen to as it was to share. Innocent ears need not hear about the uglies. Yes, it is important to tell, but it needs to be done with discretion. Some things are not worthy of repeating, but there are some things that should be shouted from the roof tops. I wish someone would have saved me of that struggle that day, but God used it to grow me. Honestly, my heart was just for them to see how God had changed me. I wanted them to see and hear first hand all I had seen and heard. I wanted them to have what I had in the LORD. 

As I read the story of the Samaritan woman this morning in John 4, I was reminded of my testimony mess up. I realized that when this unknown woman encountered Jesus, she experienced the truth that He knew her. He knew her sin and still welcomed her. He allowed her to question Him in almost a salty way. Without confronting her saltiness, but letting her know He knew her, Jesus invited her to go get her husband. When she admitted she did not have one to bring back, Jesus simply acknowledged her lifestyle. I realize this must have been said gently and respectfully because she boldly then asked the cultural question of the day in which her community struggled and she must have been pondering. "Where do we worship?" I love that Jesus readily talked theology about worship with her and allowed her to ponder what it meant to have living water. When she struggled with the place of worship and declared she knew of the Messiah, Jesus shared with her that He was the Messiah and that true worship is not a place, but in spirit and in truth... a person.

At this point the disciples entered the scene, they had been sent to her town to get food. Imagine their surprise when Jesus was breaking all the rules... talking to a despised Samaritan and a woman at that! Their appearance stopped the conversation and gave flight to the woman. When she ran into her village she was not running from the disciples, but toward the LORD'S harvest for she had seen and heard the One who knew her. She could not contain what she had seen and heard. In fact, she left in such haste she left her jar she had carried there to get water. 

This is when I noticed her testimony. It was simple, honest, and with discretion. "Come and see the one who told me everything I ever did!" At first I noticed that she declared that He knew her. It feels good to be known, but she declared that He knew her sin. Notice she did not label or name her sin. Only Jesus did that. Yet, she felt welcomed! Enough that she was willing to tell the whole village. See, if He welcomed her, He most certainly would welcome them! Her words embodied an experience that went beyond thoughts, and meaning, but included senses. It was evident that she was different. She proclaimed without shame. This was a woman shouting in soul freedom. And we must realize that because of her reputation of more than five husband's  it was highly unlikely people would be willing to listen to her. This would cause all to walk away for fear that they might be thought to be a part of her reputation. Was it her passion, boldness, or change that caused her village to listen? Whatever, the reason we know they went to go see based on her testimony and soon they too believed not just based on her words, but on what they saw in Jesus, too. It is amazing that her testimony led to an entire village's change.

As I read this passage, I wondered on the definition of testimony. It is best defined as a first hand experience shared to tell what one has seen or heard. It is a statement of facts. But, I discovered that testimony in Hebrew carries with it the idea of "do it again" or that "God will repeat Himself". See, when we bear witness or give testimony to what God has done in our lives it is telling so that God can do it again in another.  I like to believe that the Samaritan woman felt welcomed, honored, loved, seen, and heard by Jesus. This is what made her run to her village to share with others. Once you have experienced something so beautiful, you want it repeated in another's life. So, let me ask you again, Can you tell what God has done for your own soul? In a way, our telling our story of how God has met us and changed us is us saying, "Do it again, Daddy! Please do it for my friend as You have done it for me!"