Showing posts with label Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

Paul and Timothy's Discipleship Phases

As I study Paul and Timothy's relationship, God put it on my heart to do a quick track of what each discipleship phase looked like for them. Here is my quick summary of Paul's discipleship phases with Timothy.

1. Meets a young believer.
2. Observed character and invited to tag-a-long.
3. Encouraged him to honor culture.
4. Invited him to stay with another disciple to continue the work.
5. Invited to go share the good news of Jesus
6. Proclaiming partner
7. Publicly praised
8. Co-author & brother
9. "And" phase... known as Paul, Silas and Timothy
10. "My" phase... True son in the faith

As I wrote this yesterday, so many of you that are my "friends" on Facebook came to mind. I smiled because some are my Pauls, some are my Silas, and some are my Timothys. I can't help but smile with deep joy because when true Discipleship happens the love is so deep and rich in the faith that time, distance, and/or circumstances cannot stop the deep love. I believe it is one of the great treasures of heaven we get to know and experience on this earth. 

Who might be your Paul? Who is your Silas? Who is your Timothy? We all should have them around us working in our lives. 

I love you.

Shalom y'all.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Evangelism based on Acts 16

In 21 verses, we have three different accounts of an evangelistic moment. I love how each one is so different.

With Lydia, the wealthy business woman, Paul simply sits and reasons with her in the house of prayer. It appears to be calm, rational, and respectable.

With the servant girl held in bondage to both man and spirits, Paul ws irritated and commanding. Even though the girl spoke truth, Paul commanded the evil spirits to flee which freed the girl from her spiritual bondage and made her useless to man's bondage. This witness was forceful, commanding, and full of authority.

With the jailer, Paul and Silas were living testimonies in their bondage. They simply worshipped and praised God in their suffering. The jailer observed. Once the earthquake occured, Paul recognized that the jailer would rather die than face the shame of failure so Paul intervened with connection and affirmation. Paul cared. This opened the jailer's heart. Paul was relational and most likely emotional in his response. 

Three souls were delivered because of the Macedonian Call. The approach was different because the circumstances were different. People's needs are different.

Father, please give us the ability to ask what is the right way to share the hope of Jesus that will open hearts of the wealthy business person, the person in bondage to man and spirits, and to the hard worker afraid of failure or shame. Show us how to reason, command, relate, connect, and emote so thst it speaks to a deep soul need to believe. In Jesus name, amen.

Shalom! Shalom!