Monday, August 7, 2023

What does it mean to have manifold wisdom?


What does it mean to have manifold wisdom?

First, I thought, "Well, there is many in the fold!" I visualized the deep folds of a warm velvety blanket covering several family members on a cold night while watching TV.

Then I looked it up and discovered that the original Greek for manifold was used to describe the variety of colorful flowers in an embroidery. 

God's variety of flowers are so glorious that artisans have wanted to capture the beauty for centuries. There is much to discover of their variety and beauty as well as the richness of their color. There are many yet to be seen and discovered.

This is also true of God's wisdom. God's gift to the rulers and authorities is the church making known to them the mystery of God's manifold wisdom revealed through Jesus. It is full of mystery and so much for us to discover. He is unsearchable and yet in the great mystery, He delights in allowing us to know Him and be known.

Through Jesus, we can approach God boldly with confidence. Through the love of Jesus and His sacrifice, we can be rooted, grounded, and strengthened. Through Jesus, we find hope, healing, belonging, oneness... 

Faith in Him helps us to not lose heart in our suffering, but to find hope that is full of unsearchable riches in Christ. The manifold or variety of His riches is so worthy of discovering.

In His manifold wisdom, He has always sought to have many in the family of God covered in His warmth of mercy and grace. Consider covering yourself in His grace and mercy through Jesus.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

What is the Kingdom of God?

What is the kingdom of God? What does it mean to pray for the kingdom of God to come? How do I become a part of the kingdom of God? How can I see the kingdom of God? 

These were a few of tge questions rolling in my head and then I thought how would I share with someone about the kingdom of God? 

I just started jotting my notes. Some of these are found in Luke 9 but not all.
Kingdom of God...
1. Come to Jesus like a child.
2. The kingdom of God is something we receive. It is a gift of God. 
3. It starts as a small seed that blooms into a full blown tree.
4. God is the rule/monarch.
5. It is a spiritual rule. All will submit to Him.
6. All authorities were created by God.
7. Repentance of sins and turning from them is necessary to be a part of it.
8. New birth or a spiritual rebirth will be a part of it. Peace comes with it and it surprisingly beautiful. 
9. It cannot be destroyed but the enemy of God will keep trying. 
10. His fullness is revealed in it.
11. When you seek Him and His kingdom you gain everything eternal.
12. Those who serve in the kingdom of God serve as the least of these. 
So when Jesus says, "Follow me" the kingdom of God is what you are joining. Jesus told His disciples to go and proclaim the kingdom of God.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

You will be My Witnesses!

Do you remember the first time you heard, "You will be my witnessess?" Or maybe the first time you actually understood what it meant? To be a witness you must share what you see and hear. 

When we have perceived something deep or profound, no one needs to tell us we should go share it. First, they will observe it and if they are close enough they will hear about it. 

On the day of Jesus' ascension, we can discover many things about what makes a good witness or evangelist. An evangelist is someone who tells good news. A good Bible story teller is both.

As I reflect on Acts 1:1-14, I discover so many things. I wonder if you see other things. Share them if you do. 

I noticed that Luke presents to us simply about what Jesus did and taught. He tells us about the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life.

Luke tells us about Jesus' appearances after His Resurrection/time of suffering. Jesus visited people for 40 days and spoke to those He met with about the kingdom of God.

He reminds the hearer or reader that Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come and that He would baptize them with the Holy Spirit. We must remember and share that the Holy Spirit comes with power and authority. But, only God, the Father knows the seasons and times of things to be. 

One of the key things we must understand about being a witness is that it is not just about us and only our immediate group. If we are true witnesses it will go beyond us. Luke points out to us that Jesus tells the disciples that they will be His witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the outermost parts of the world. 

Jerusalem is your hometown.

Judea is your region.

Samaria is the people you don't like or want to share good news with so get rid of your prejudices.

And to the end of the earth. 

A true witness is in community communicating beyond their comfort zone in places beyond their expectations or perceptions.

This was so profound they found themselves gathering to meet in one accord with a spirit of unity to pray with both men and women. I love how Luke is pretty faithful in pointing out the women leaders. 

So while we gather, pray, and wait on the Holy Spirit to move, we must know that Jesus will return.Until then, we must prove ourselves faithful to share what we have seen and heard about Jesus. 

It is important to be in the Word, be with Jesus, so we can be transformed.

Shalom y'all!