Showing posts with label manifold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manifold. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

What does it mean to have manifold wisdom?


What does it mean to have manifold wisdom?

First, I thought, "Well, there is many in the fold!" I visualized the deep folds of a warm velvety blanket covering several family members on a cold night while watching TV.

Then I looked it up and discovered that the original Greek for manifold was used to describe the variety of colorful flowers in an embroidery. 

God's variety of flowers are so glorious that artisans have wanted to capture the beauty for centuries. There is much to discover of their variety and beauty as well as the richness of their color. There are many yet to be seen and discovered.

This is also true of God's wisdom. God's gift to the rulers and authorities is the church making known to them the mystery of God's manifold wisdom revealed through Jesus. It is full of mystery and so much for us to discover. He is unsearchable and yet in the great mystery, He delights in allowing us to know Him and be known.

Through Jesus, we can approach God boldly with confidence. Through the love of Jesus and His sacrifice, we can be rooted, grounded, and strengthened. Through Jesus, we find hope, healing, belonging, oneness... 

Faith in Him helps us to not lose heart in our suffering, but to find hope that is full of unsearchable riches in Christ. The manifold or variety of His riches is so worthy of discovering.

In His manifold wisdom, He has always sought to have many in the family of God covered in His warmth of mercy and grace. Consider covering yourself in His grace and mercy through Jesus.