Showing posts with label Acts 1:8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acts 1:8. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

GO... a powerful word

Ooooh the word "go" has such a rich place in the Bible. It is in all three key texts about reaching the nations for the LORD.

"Abram, GO from your country, your people, and your father's household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1

"GO make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19

"GO be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the outer most parts of the world." Acts 1:8

I had to look up various definitions of GO.

GO: to move from one place to another: to move or proceed. It implies movement of all kinds. It is physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.

We can GO...
GO to
GO in
GO up
GO out
GO around
GO through
GO with
GO on
GO off
GO again
GO aside
GO away
GO over
GO beyond
GO about
GO above
GO forth

Such a tiny word with so much power. It can inspire us. It can freeze us. It can exvite us. It can fill us with dread. 

How many times would we rather walk away than go? 

Essentially, go requires change. Serious change. It takes the whole being to truly embrace GO. 

What go would it be to GO if we did let it do it's work in us in the many implied ways? 

Here is to GO in the New Year! Trust that GOD will show you like He did with Abram and the disciples. Know that God's GO blesses and bears good fruit.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

You will be My Witnesses!

Do you remember the first time you heard, "You will be my witnessess?" Or maybe the first time you actually understood what it meant? To be a witness you must share what you see and hear. 

When we have perceived something deep or profound, no one needs to tell us we should go share it. First, they will observe it and if they are close enough they will hear about it. 

On the day of Jesus' ascension, we can discover many things about what makes a good witness or evangelist. An evangelist is someone who tells good news. A good Bible story teller is both.

As I reflect on Acts 1:1-14, I discover so many things. I wonder if you see other things. Share them if you do. 

I noticed that Luke presents to us simply about what Jesus did and taught. He tells us about the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life.

Luke tells us about Jesus' appearances after His Resurrection/time of suffering. Jesus visited people for 40 days and spoke to those He met with about the kingdom of God.

He reminds the hearer or reader that Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come and that He would baptize them with the Holy Spirit. We must remember and share that the Holy Spirit comes with power and authority. But, only God, the Father knows the seasons and times of things to be. 

One of the key things we must understand about being a witness is that it is not just about us and only our immediate group. If we are true witnesses it will go beyond us. Luke points out to us that Jesus tells the disciples that they will be His witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the outermost parts of the world. 

Jerusalem is your hometown.

Judea is your region.

Samaria is the people you don't like or want to share good news with so get rid of your prejudices.

And to the end of the earth. 

A true witness is in community communicating beyond their comfort zone in places beyond their expectations or perceptions.

This was so profound they found themselves gathering to meet in one accord with a spirit of unity to pray with both men and women. I love how Luke is pretty faithful in pointing out the women leaders. 

So while we gather, pray, and wait on the Holy Spirit to move, we must know that Jesus will return.Until then, we must prove ourselves faithful to share what we have seen and heard about Jesus. 

It is important to be in the Word, be with Jesus, so we can be transformed.

Shalom y'all!