Showing posts with label Genesis 12:1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genesis 12:1. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

GO... a powerful word

Ooooh the word "go" has such a rich place in the Bible. It is in all three key texts about reaching the nations for the LORD.

"Abram, GO from your country, your people, and your father's household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1

"GO make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19

"GO be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the outer most parts of the world." Acts 1:8

I had to look up various definitions of GO.

GO: to move from one place to another: to move or proceed. It implies movement of all kinds. It is physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.

We can GO...
GO to
GO in
GO up
GO out
GO around
GO through
GO with
GO on
GO off
GO again
GO aside
GO away
GO over
GO beyond
GO about
GO above
GO forth

Such a tiny word with so much power. It can inspire us. It can freeze us. It can exvite us. It can fill us with dread. 

How many times would we rather walk away than go? 

Essentially, go requires change. Serious change. It takes the whole being to truly embrace GO. 

What go would it be to GO if we did let it do it's work in us in the many implied ways? 

Here is to GO in the New Year! Trust that GOD will show you like He did with Abram and the disciples. Know that God's GO blesses and bears good fruit.