Saturday, June 29, 2024

David: A shepherd boy becomes a shepherd warrior

What can turn a simple shepherd boy into a shepherd warrior? 

As you listen to today's story about David notice how it is the determination in his heart to protect the honor of the living God. 

When we determine in our hearts to do something this is when we see big dividens. For David, it was his deep abiding love for the living God. All those years worshipping Him on the hills surrounding Bethlehem developed an internal strength that defies logic.

Does your belief in God give you an internal strength that defies logic? 

I often pray and tell God that I want to believe that I do, but in the face of a giant, how might I truly behave? At times, I do not know that I would be so strong, but other times I am certain I would be because I truly trust God. This is okay. Because one thing I have learned over the years, when I am weak, He truly is strong (2 Cor. 22:8-11).

Our giants aren't a physical Goliath. They come in the form of obstacles or struggles like illness, relationships, finances, natural disasters... In all of these, my God has proven faithful! He slayed my Goliaths. So, we may feel like a shepherd boy/girl, but in Him we are shepherd warriors! Amen! 

You can listen to the true story here:

Thursday, June 27, 2024

David: A shepherd family had a son named David

David: A shepherd family had a son named DavidCan you imagine trying to tell the whole story of David in the Bible into a short story summary? His story covers 66 chapters in the Bible and next to Jesus, David has more said about him than anyone else. 

I have crafted a story summary of David as a shepherd boy to shepherd king into 7 short stories that capture a hint of David's life. 

This is the first of the series. My prayer is that it will provide a simple mini-narrative of David that causes the listener to go read or listen to 1 & 2 Samuel where David's saga unfolds. I am going to post the series so you can go listen and see if you can figure out why David is known as the man after God's own heart.

In the Bible study, I challenge the learner to observe how David acts like a good shepherd namely, Jesus. Ask, how did David model seeking, caring, protecting, blessing, and building the nation of Israel, the sheep he was commanded to shepherd? 

Monday, May 27, 2024

New Beginnings

Well, I finally finished it. This is my second painting in my Wailing Wall series. This one is for Grant. It is titled New Beginnings. I have the dove in flight front of the Wailing Wall because it represents the presence of God in Israel and a dove because it symbolizes the presence of God in us. I was surprised at the contrast that happened with dark and light. It wasn't intentional but the dove looks like it is taking flight from darkness. 

I painted this one for Grant because of finishing college. He is in a season of new beginnings. As I painted it I prayed for him to enjoy refreshment and renewal. He is in a season of new beginnings. I want to remind him that God's presence is with him.  

As I painted it I also prayed that anyone who looks at it worships God and knows He is the one who gives us flight, refreshment, and renewal. 

I don't know if Greg is going to let Grant take it. Lol. Now, I will begin Zach and Mikayla's on the dance of love.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

LORD, teach us to pray and LORD, increase our faith!

“LORD, teach us to pray!” and “LORD, increase our faith!” (Luke 11:1-13; Luke 17:5-10). 

These two requests the disciples asked of Jesus have always intrigued me. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray it followed watching Jesus go off and pray and shortly after they were sent out in two to make disciples in search of the people of peace, upon their return Jesus told them the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). When the disciples asked for the LORD to increase their faith Jesus had just taught about the importance of guarding themselves against the temptation to sin and not providing forgiveness. Jesus’ answer was found in the model prayer, He provided when the disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. The prayer is also found in Matthew 6:9-13. It is a bit longer than Luke’s account. I will use both as the model prayer. 

Jesus said when you pray, pray like this…

Our Father… Notice that this is communal. God is the Father of all creation. 

Who are in heaven… He is eternal and so other.

Holy is Your Name… He is holy and His name is Holy. This means that there is no other like Him. He is set apart/sacred. Therefore, treat Him with respect and awe.

Give us this day our daily bread… Focus on today. Seek to take care of today and trust God to provide for what you need today. 

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us… Today I should make sure that I forgive others as I seek forgiveness. It is important to keep short accounts with others. Do not allow a debt of the mind, heart, soul, or spirit to get in the way of a relationship. I honor His Name as Holy by honoring others as sacred as one of His image bearers. When I keep unforgiveness in my heart I am not honoring on earth as it is in heaven. I must give forgiveness freely because God the Father gave it freely to me through His Son, Jesus. If I should have past debts against others, I should take them to the Father today and deal with it now. Do not let it grow. 

Lead us not into temptation… Dealing with being forgiven and giving forgiveness is one step closer to walking away from one sort of temptation, but there are a whole host of temptations set before us by the evil one. All temptation is common to man. There is none that each one of us put in the right circumstances would not walk into it. This is why we must pray for awareness and willingness to walk away. God promises He will give us the way of escape, but we must ask to be led away from it! 

Deliver us from the evil one… Our world is wrought with evil. The evil one reigns and loves to lead us astray. Our world loves to call darkness light and act like what it is doing is okay. We are reminded in the Bible that when we call darkness light then our darkness is very deep. We must hate evil as God hates evil. This means we must be willing to recognize darkness and walk away from it. It means we must stand up against it. It means that we might have to face it head on so we must beg for deliverance today! Today, LORD, deliver us from evil. Focus on the moment and the now. 

The Bible does not put an indentation for the forgiveness of sins, lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil the way I just did. I did this because it is a daily prayer need. We will face these daily. We must not think that we have it all together and are just fine. And we must not think these are things that are too far off so I don’t need to deal with them now. We also must not be so overwhelmed with what tomorrow will look like or the next year. We must focus on these today. Right now, we must pray “LORD, teach us to pray!” and “LORD, increase our faith!” This is how we deal with the world’s crazy! Pray!

What I have done in the last week as I felt overwhelmed by so many overwhelming needs brought before me through prayer requests, I simply started the model prayer and then after each section, I began to say the need or request. I wasn’t doing this as a form of legalism, but out of these thoughts, “I don’t even know how!” “Do I even have the faith?” By simply praying the model prayer and adding in the requests in my own simple way I sought to honor God and keep His name holy today. 

Maybe, you might want to try it. 

Our Father… Praise HIM!

Who are in heaven… Recognize that HE is eternal!

Holy is Your Name… Recognize that HE is sacred/holy! List out other characteristics of God that you know!

Give us this day our daily bread… Ask Him for what you need today. Go ahead and list them and release them to Him.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us… List out any sins you should repent of that you have not already released and walked away from. List out what you need to forgive of others that you have not already done so.

Lead us not into temptation… List out any temptations that have come before you that you need to walk away from and ask Him to help you walk away through the way of escape that He has provided.

Deliver us from the evil one… Ask Him to deliver you from whatever evil you are confronted with that you need help. The Holy Spirit will come alongside and assist you. Remember, He promises that He will not leave you or forsake you.

Shalom y’all!