Showing posts with label Wailing Wail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wailing Wail. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

New Beginnings

Well, I finally finished it. This is my second painting in my Wailing Wall series. This one is for Grant. It is titled New Beginnings. I have the dove in flight front of the Wailing Wall because it represents the presence of God in Israel and a dove because it symbolizes the presence of God in us. I was surprised at the contrast that happened with dark and light. It wasn't intentional but the dove looks like it is taking flight from darkness. 

I painted this one for Grant because of finishing college. He is in a season of new beginnings. As I painted it I prayed for him to enjoy refreshment and renewal. He is in a season of new beginnings. I want to remind him that God's presence is with him.  

As I painted it I also prayed that anyone who looks at it worships God and knows He is the one who gives us flight, refreshment, and renewal. 

I don't know if Greg is going to let Grant take it. Lol. Now, I will begin Zach and Mikayla's on the dance of love.