Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Holy Spirit Helps

Well over fifteen years ago I attended a prayer conference where Dutch Sheets talked about intercessory prayer. He said something so transformational for me that I memorized it on the spot and never forgot it. I have shared it endless times in many places. 

He said that the word “helps” in Romans 8:26 is “Sunantilambanomai”. WOW! I was blown away by this seventeen-letter word. So much so that I never forgot it and even remembered how to spell it.

When the Holy Spirit helps us, it means that “together with us, with whatever is against us, the Holy Spirit will come alongside us and assist us.” Now that is worth repeating! Our four-letter word "help" does not give the full meaning justice.

Last night as I taught a class for Crown University this word, God blessed me again with a reminder of the power of intercessory prayer. We are so uniquely blessed to have the Holy Spirit praying for us. There is no other religion that has such a beautiful and powerful present God at work on their behalf.

As an intercessor, we do this for others as well. We join them. Together with them, whatever is against them, we come alongside them, and we assist them. If you pray for me then you do this for me and when I pray for you, I do the same. It is humbling and lifting all at the same moment.

Thank you for blessing me with your “help” and thank you for joining the Holy Spirit as He prays. I love to quietly “help” those I am just sitting amidst. They have no idea that someone is sitting among them coming alongside them with whatever is against them and assisting them in prayer. This just delights me! Especially in light of prayer being attacked. No one can stop what GOD is doing in us and through us as we pray. 

EM Bounds says that our presence joins heaven and earth through the suffering of Jesus to bring about God’s will. Our prayers make heaven and earth collide to bring about eternal solutions. What a gift we have in Jesus!

Shalom y'all!