Showing posts with label winsome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winsome. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Winsome Courage

What is courage? 

At the heart of it, courage is the willingness to move forward when great risks are involved. For a follower of Jesus, true courage is trusting that God will be your strength as you move forward.

I have been pondering courage, ALOT. I am wondering if I should pray for more courage.
The other word that has captivated me lately is WINSOME.

To be winsome is to be attractive or charming with an open and delightful childlike innocence while demonstrating genuine love. It is socially attractive and inoffensive. 

How do I live a life that is both courageous and winsome?  Or should I say winsome and courageous?

Genuine love has both. It is attractive enough to be in the conversation, but risky enough that it is mindful of the risks and moves forward anyhow. 

Sometimes, I am too courageous, and I speak before I should. Sometimes, I am so worried about being offensive that I back off when I should allow the beauty of pure love to show its glory.

When I see courage I want to follow. When I observe a winsome spirit, my heart is drawn in. 

I want both. Don't you? 

Father, will you please create in me a courageous heart that is winsome for Your glory and for others blessing. In Jesus name amen