Showing posts with label killed by lion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label killed by lion. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The importance of obedience

I have always been bothered by the older prophet that lied to the younger prophet to see if he truly was a prophet of God in 1 Kings 13. 

It is a crazy story. God sends a prophet from Juda in the south to the king in the North to tell him that a descendant of King David named Josiah will tear down the false altars that he made that caused Israel to sin. It was an announcement intended to cause the king to repent.

Instead he raged and sought to arrest the young prophet. As his hand waved his decree it shriveled up. He cried to the young prophet to entreat God and to heal him. The young prophet showing incredible grace and mercy prayed and God healed him. This proved with certainty it was God.

The king immediately showed hospitality. "Come, stay and eat with me." The young prophet said, "Nope. God said take no hospitality in this place and leave a different way."

So he left. He traveled a bit and sat under a tree when an older prophet showed up and lied. "God gave me a message to give you. Come eat with me." 

The young prophet did. He was an older prophet after all and he wasnt asking for anything. Then the prophet told him, "You disobeyed so your gonna die by a lion."

The young prophet then left and was killed by a lion. The older prophet then went and got him calling him brother, buried him, and said, "Bury me with him. He is the prophet that announced against these false idols."

Like I said, it is a crazy story.

But this morning, I realized that it is not about the lie of the older prophet. It is about obedience to God.

The king was given a chance to obey. He did not.

The young prophet was given a message and process to obey. He did not.

History reveals that God never contradicts Himself. I was reminded this week of a time when an older leader some 20 years ago tried to tell me to do something when I didn't feel called to it. I knew I was to stay focused on the task I was currently working on. She pressed in hard. It was scary, but I stood my ground and said, "God did not reveal that to me." With this fresh on my mind this morning, I realize I must make sure I listen to the voice of God.

God will not contradict His Word.
I need to know it and obey it. We are blessed it is written for us. If we are reading it and praying we discover His voice will clearly speak to us.

So I recognize there will be times that I will have to defy...

Kings or people in authority. Position does not mean they are always doing the right thing.

Elders expecting me to obey simply because they are older or been doing it longer. Often this falls into tradition or this is the way we do it.

Prophets or messengers of God that are on the same journey if God made it clear to me what I am to do. Our path will be different, but God's message will never change.

Generosity or hospitality when I have been told to accept none.

All of these can be very hard because our response can cause offense. Culture likes to tell us that as Christians we cannot offend. But the Bible shows us over and over that walking in Christlikeness does bring offense. Mostly because our message like the one of the young prophet will bring the invitation to repent. Most of us don't like the feeling we get inside as we realize we need to repent. We somehow confuse it with something else and start fighting for our rights rather than humbling ourselves.

Father, please keep us faithful to Your Word! Amen

Shalom y'all.