Showing posts with label genuine love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genuine love. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A more noble way... a Living Sacrifice

Do you ever just long for a nobler way? Do you ever just wish for a list you can follow? Do you ever wonder if you can be so noble? 

I know I do! I long for the more noble in me and in others!  I grieve when I do not see them in my community and Oh how I struggle when I do not live up to them. 

Maybe this is why I love Romans 12 so much. The other day as I read it, again I felt the urge to really know it. So for several days I am just sitting in it. I am listening to it from different translations. I am reading it in different translations. I found the Message fun and the Amplified Bible even more challenging as I ponder the beauty of this chapter. 

I love that God welcomes our living sacrifice and that Paul just says to use your gifts according to your measure of faith. It gives me permission to not worry about what others might say about my gifts and how I use them. They are my grace gifts and I just need to offer them up. What peace this gives. 

Oh but the reminder to not think so highly of oneself. Pride and insecurity are such ugly little beasts. Well, actually, they are huge obnoxious beasts that I absolutely hate when I recognize them in me. Maybe this is why we are called to celebrate the gifts of others and recognize that they have been given a measure of grace to use them. I find when I am celebrating another it leaves little room for the elevating of me. 

As if learning to celebrate a brother or sister's gift is not enough in our living sacrifice Paul then challenges us to genuine love. Genuine love will laugh and cry with another. Genuine love will overcome evil with good. It isn't enough for me to celebrate a brother or sisters gifts and measure of faith, but I am to love and serve the one who harms me. 

I wonder, "Do I really have that kind of love?"  I have friends that know what it is really like to live with evil slaying those you love. I wonder, "LORD, do I have that measure of faith to love persecutors?" 

Maybe, this is why Paul said that we should be in constant prayer. Maybe this is why we should be serving and opening our homes. It sure is hard to be angry at the one you eat and drink with.

God has me sitting in Romans 12. I truly have a heart that wants to do that which is honorable to all and be at peace as much as it depends on me. But, sometimes I confess I still need to be in constant prayer to truly live out genuine love. 

I imagine you struggle with this, too. Beloved, let's be patient in our tribulations. Let's bless and not curse. Let's be fervent in spirit and serve the LORD in genuine love as living sacrifices. AMEN