Showing posts with label firebrand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label firebrand. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2023

When Satan Accuses, Jesus Rebukes and Reminds!

I don’t know how many times I told the student leaders that they must make sure they seek to observe the patterns and repetitions they see in Scripture. If there is a pattern or repetition it is worthy of us noting and reflecting on. As I arose the next morning, I vaguely remember thinking, “God, I feel I need a boost in my study today.” And as always, for HE is faithful, God caught my attention but this time, it was through the repetition of three things made of wood, so my words echoed in my ears as I obeyed what I said to the youth leaders and examined what I noticed. 

I am in the middle of reading Zechariah. Heavy stuff and not easy to always understand, but it was very clear that the leader of God, Joshua, was being accused. Keep in mind this is not Joshua who lead Israel into the promised land. He was long gone! This Joshua was a priest for the nation of Israel. He was standing before the LORD with Satan standing on his right accusing him before the LORD! UGH! Just one more example that Satan really lives up to his reputation of being the accuser of the followers of Jesus (Revelation 12:10). 

But what caught me was how quickly Jesus rebuked Satan. Immediately the LORD said, “The LORD rebuke you, O Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebukes you! Is not this firebrand plucked from the fire?” 

As the priest, Joshua would have been the one that would go before the Holy of Holies on behalf of the nation to seek their forgiveness. He would have been carrying with him in his prayers the sins of the nation, but also his own. It would have felt like he was dressed in rags and inappropriate to approach the LORD. But with God, this is not so! Even still Satan points out the filthy rags while the LORD proclaims that He has removed the person, Joshua, and the nation from the fire. He chose them! He pulled them out of the fire and clothed them in His righteous garments. 

I once read that Spurgeon said, “When Satan accuses, Christ pleads!” 

It humbled me when I realized that the LORD not only rebuked Satan, and clothed the priest and nation, but He also reminded him if you walk in obedience and follow my ways, I will give you righteous standing before those around you and give you charge of my courts. I will bring you, my servant, the Branch that will remove the iniquity of the people and you will invite your neighbors to come and sit under His vine and His fig tree. What a great reminder when facing accusations! But did you notice the other two references to wood? The Branch, His vine, and His fig tree. Okay, well there are three other references, but the vine and the tree symbolize the same thing—a healthy tree that gives life, nourishment, fruit, shelter, and protection.

So, What is a firebrand? Honestly, I had to look it up. I did not know what it meant. I discovered that a firebrand is a stick or log that has been cut off and placed in a fire. It is charred and black from the heat of the fire. It has been so removed from the tree that it is thrown away to burn up. It cannot bear fruit or provide a safe shelter. But God pulls the firebrand out of the fire and brings it to the Branch and then places it in the shade of His vine and fig tree. It doesn’t say it specifically, but when two branches or trees are bound together, they are grafted and will become one. I imagined that the firebrand was placed next to the Branch and bound to it. The point is the firebrand has been rescued and it is no longer living based on its wood, but on the strength and life given through the Branch. 

A firebrand cannot bear fruit, but the Branch can. A branch starts out tiny with a small little bud that eventually grows into a strong branch that will bear good fruit and provide shelter. A branch that is connected to a vine or tree will provide protection, nourishment, shelter, and even a home to many creatures. The LORD brought the Branch to him. Symbolically, in case you did not know Jesus is the Branch (Isaiah 4:2).

The LORD was promising Joshua that He had already provided a way for him to be grafted to His Son or the Tree of Life. All it took was for him to walk in obedience, follow His ways, and wear His garments of righteousness. Notice, it was not what Joshua provided, but what the LORD provided. The LORD provides the connection needed so that Joshua could do what he was called to do and in time he would bring others along to rest under the Branch’s shelter. Joshua’s role as the firebrand was to bring others along and show them the Branch and where to sit under His vine and His fig tree. 

Sometimes, as a leader, I feel like the accuser is incessant in his attacks. I know what it is like to stand before God and feel like the accuser is on my right condemning me and those around me. But GOD! When I remind myself in prayer and sometimes verbally aloud what I know about God and what He has said about me, I am better able to hear His voice over the accuser. I remember that He has already clothed me in His pure garments and the Angel of the LORD stands by me!

After meditating for several days on this passage, I have decided that when I hear accusations from the Accuser, I am going to say to myself, “I am a firebrand that has been plucked from the fire!” Praise the LORD! What a beautiful image. I will then remind myself that He has already clothed me in His righteous garments. I only need to move forward in obedience and walk in His ways. I can trust that He will bring me before the people He desires and allow me the privilege of helping them draw near to Him! Amen!

What do you do when you feel the Accuser hounding you? What from this might you need to remember? One thing is for sure, if you have believed in Jesus, you are a firebrand that has already been pulled out of the fire and dressed in righteousness. Remind yourself and your accuser of this truth today!

Shalom y’all.