Showing posts with label Witnessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witnessing. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How to share about God's Word

A hard lesson I learned in telling my story was people don't need the details of my pain or suffering. They can relate if I give labels or short descriptive words. Telling my details never healed anyone or changed anyone that I am aware of, but when I shared about God, His character, and how He moved in my life and circumstances, I would see people change for the better because they drew nearer to God. I learned this lesson the hard way through trial and error.

I recently read this passage and saw immediately in Scripture the format I learned the hard way. Lol. 

In five short verses, we are given a simple model of how to share about God's Word in our lives and circumstances.

It clearly says when your children ask. Okay, there is an assumption that we open the door for questioning and we are discusding truth from the perspective of God's commands not man's. Sometimes, that is the hardest door to open. But when it is this is a simple model to follow.

Here is what you do...
1. Tell my/our story in God's story. 
2. Explain the circumstances simply.
3. Give God's name. 
4. Show God's character. 
5. Explain how God moved in the circumstances.
6. Explain how we should respond.

Did you notice that more attention is focused on God? 

I love this because it gives God the glory and not my pain or suffering. 

Don't get me wrong. I know there is a cathartic healing that comes in processing our pain. But that is a totally different circumstance than this. That should happen at the feet of someone that can help you see and discover God in your circumstances. 

This is more about telling others about why and how God's Word provides us our healing. Save the catharsis for your place of receiving. This is about the moment when you know and are healed so you can give. 

I had so much to learn. God has taught me so much. I am still learning. I love that He is giving me truth through His story so I am better at sharing His character. 

Shalom y'all!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Witnessing to a devoted leader based on Acts 10

Sometimes when I interact with someone who appears very godly, I think that there is no need to share Jesus with them. They are already good. Have you ever felt like that? A good or moral behavior means a person already knows God. What if that is not so?  What if it is an open door? 

Today's story in Acts 10 has always been the story that God has used to show me that He notices good and moral behavior,  but He still wants us to be in a relationship with His Son!

This passage is about Cornelius. He is a Roman soldier that was devout in prayer, feared God, and gave generously to the poor. But there was something missing. So God sent him an angel to direct him to Peter so he could hear.  This is why we must be listening.

Now, Peter had his own issue. Peter did know God's son, but he was a racist. I know that is a harsh word, but he still had things inside him that did not honor God that needed to be dealt with. For Peter it was that he considered non-Jews unclean. Yet, all people are created in the image of God and Peter needed to understand this truth. So God gave him a vision when he was praying and challenged his thinking. This is why we need to pay attention and listen to hear what God is showing us.

God met both men where they were at. Cornelius in his devotion that needed Jesus and Peter in his devotion to Jesus that needed repentance and acceptance of all people.

I couldn't help but wonder at what Peter shared with Cornelius. What truths were considered so important for Cornelius to grasp?

1. God shows has no favorites. He shows no partiality.
2. Anyone who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to God. Regardless of nationality.
3. Jesus is LORD of all.
4. Jesus is good news.
5. Jesus is peace. 
6. You must produce the fruit of repentance.
7. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit.
8. Jesus was affirmed by God at His baptism.
9. Jesus did good and healed the oppressed.
10. God was with Jesus.
11. Jesus was killed on the cross.
12. God raised Jesus on the third day.
13. Jesus appeared to many but not all after He rose from the grave. 
14.  Jesus appeared to the disciples and ate and drank with them after He rose from the grave. 
15. Jesus gave the command to preach and testify that He was appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.
16. All of the prophets bore witness to Jesus.
17. If you believe in Jesus you will be saved and receive the forgiveness of sins.

In this short discourse, we are provided the most basic truths of what we need to know about Jesus and what we need to share.

While Peter was still talking, the Holy Spirit fell on the people and they were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the one who guides us in all truth.

Imagine the peace that covered Cornelius and his whole household that day. Up to this point, he was working at being good, but now Cornelius would serve out of peace and gratitude not trying to win the favor of God, but know he had already received the favor of God. His devotion will now be done out of gratitude and blessing.

At this time in your life which one are you more like? Cornelius or Peter? 

It is important to be in the Word. To be with Jesus. To be transformed.

Shalom y'all.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Witnessing with a Seeker based on the Story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Day 2 of how to do Evangelism Stories:

Just as each of us are created uniquely, our spiritual journey will be just as varied and unique. The reason, the approach, and timing will be specialized based on our need.

In today's story, we will discover that sometimes the Spirit of God will tell us to go do something that requires us to take a journey in order for someone to hear the story of Jesus.It was a 47 mile journey from Jerusalem to Gaza. It would have taken at least a day to get to him by foot if he was stopped, but remember the Ethiopian Eunuch was traveling so Philip was also trying to listen and see who the Spirit of God was wanting him to share with on the road. When someone is truly seeking, God will send someone to go and share the truth in a way they can understand.

As we go through these stories we should observe the outcomes for both the disciplemaker and the one being discipled.

I have titled this story, how to witness to a seeker.

1.  Listen to what the Spirit of the LORD speaks to you.
2.  Rise up and do it!
3. Pay attention to what is happening in the surroundings and in what the people are doing.
4.  Ask questions for clarification.
5.  Help the person to understand the Scriptures.
6. Listen to the person's questions.
7.  Answer the questions and share the good news of Jesus.
8. Take your time with them.
9.  Be spontaneous when necessary.
10.  Help the person follow through with baptism.
11.  Know the person who understands will leave rejoicing.
12.  Go to where the Spirit takes you.
13.  Continue preaching the good news of Jesus where ever you go.

There are certain elements that will always be the same like telling the person about Jesus. While the way, the how, and the why will be varied from person to person.