Showing posts with label Christian Discipleship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Discipleship. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What is Christian Discipleship?: "You have no room for My Word"

Sometimes when I read something it causes me to stop and say, "Oh, but what?" 

Two things stopped me, well maybe three, as I prepare the next story for "What is Christian Discipleship?"

First, I saw for the first time that the Jewish leaders were ridiculing Jesus about whether He was a legitimate child.

"We are not illegitimate children!"

Wow! At first glance, I thought they were responding to their claim to Abraham, but Jesus already said He knew they were Abraham's descendants. They were being rude to Jesus referencing His birth and the rumors that surrounded it. 

The second thing that stumped me is that these very men at the very beginning of this passage were called believing Jews. Okay, I do not know about you, but it makes me ask, "What kind of belief is this?"

This story points out to us that there are two kinds of belief. The kind that listens to God's Word, obeys, and knows freedom or the kind that steals, kills, and destroys because it belongs to the father of lies-- the devil.

So, there is a belief in Jesus that does not lead to salvation or freedom. The difference in this kind of belief and the one that leads to salvation is if it HOLDS TO JESUS' WORD. 

Now, what is interesting is that Jesus tells the Jews, "if you hold to my WORD, the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)

Instead of asking about how to enjoy freedom they focus on their genetic pedigree. "We are the son's of Abraham." (John 8:39)

Jesus said, "If you are the son's of Abraham, you would do what he did."
(John 8:41)

We are told in Hebrews 11:8 that Abraham obeyed God, went where God told him, and lived by faith. 

Jesus pointed out Abraham's spiritual lineage not his genetic or physical lineage.

"Legitimate" belief listens, follows, and obeys by faith. This is why Abraham is listed in the great hall of faith in Hebrews 11. He walked by faith.

Thereby, this passage reveals that spiritually, these men were "illegitimate" children of God for they did not have believing faith like their genetic father Abraham.

Jesus flatly says, "You belong to the devil, the father of lies. He was a murderer from the beginning, there is no truth in him. Lies are his native tongue." (John 8:43-44)

I literally have been dwelling on this passage for days. It is DEEP and mind blowing!

We should all ask ourselves, "Do I hold to Jesus' Words?"

The spiritual condition of our heart is WAY more important than our genetic upbringing! 

What kind of belief in Jesus do you have? The kind that walks in freedom or the kind that wants to silence Him?