Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mary & Joseph's journey depicted in watercolor.

A watercolor series, I painted telling the true story of about the journey of Mary and Joseph.
Image one portrays Mary riding on a donkey as they travel to Bethlehem. It was a long arduous journey. We don't really know if she rode a donkey, but I put her on one.
Image two portrays the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a manger. I tried to show His glory with back light.
Image three portrays that wise men traveled from the east following a star to visit the baby Jesus. I feel like my camel heads are off. I like the far off feel. 
Image four portrays Mary holding Jesus and Joseph resting on their journey to Egypt. 

I had alot of fun with the colors and tested out different ways to illustrate them. I am still learning about color theory and might need guidance on what is better to draw details, or to use grey or brown for the distant images. 

These are 4×6 images so I am testing out painting on a bigger piece of paper. 
Okay, I am posting my mess up, too. Lol. I painted the star over Joseph and Mary headed to Bethlehem. Ugh. Dumb. The star appears after He is born. So I did my best to edit it. Now if you go back and look at image one of them traveling my correction has a slight hint of the star but it also looks like a person is watching over them. My mistake created something that blessed me. It reminded me that God watched over their entire journey. Let me know if you see what I see.

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