Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Art of Listening is a Gift

The art of listening is such a powerful gift. Culture tells us we must do it to be a better spouse, parent, worker, friend... but the reality of the gift of listening is that if we do it, we will reap greater understanding. Listening helps us to understand and this allows us to receive more.

When Jesus shared the Parable of the Measure, He told the disciples that the closer we listen to His words the more understanding we will receive. This is principle is true in every area of our lives, but moste especially with God.

I read this verse yesterday and decided to just apply it as we went about our day. Listen! I was surprised at verses that came to me as we went about our day. I was also surprised by understanding that came to my heart. I felt the blessing of listening. I had a text message telling me about a training I led last week. It was covered in cultural speak. I decided to pause and just listen. I realized the leader needed to tell me that I spoke too fast and I needed to slow down. Ugh. If I had not sought to listen I might not have heard that I needed to slow down. I want to bless when I teach my friends over seas so I needed to hear what was texted. Sometimes, listening feels painful, but it is more fruitful.

Listening is so hard! I get it. My mind is running amuck. Sometimes, I can't keep up with it. So, I prayed, "LORD, will You please help me develop the art of listening to Your voice first." I figured if I seek HIS voice first then I can trust the verse that says, "Seek Him first and all these other things will be added to you" (Matt. 6:33).

It really is that simple. Listen. Get understanding. Receive more. It is true with our LORD and it is a principle that applies to all circumstances.

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