Saturday, June 29, 2024

David: A shepherd warrior on the run

Do you ever feel like running away from a circumstance? I know I do at times. How do we know when to run? And what should our lives look like on the run?

In today's story summary, we will hear about David running from King Saul. Saul was determined to kill David. It was wise to remove himself. 

What blessed me so much about David was he was able to differentiate himself from Saul's issues and keep his vision of what a good shepherd should do. He promised Jonathan to protect his family. This meant he would protect Saul. 

I also love that David collected a bunch of men that would have been considered a reject in society. They were in debt, depressed, and in despair from many nations. Yet, David accepted them and literally trained them into mighty warriors. Many of them were listed in the Bible as the mighty men of David full of valor. 

And in the one moment David flew off the handle in a rage against one of the sheep (Nabal) that he was called to protect, David listened to a woman and changed his course of action. He could be reasoned with and he showed a heart of repentance. 

Even while on the run, we see that David was growing as a person, leader, and commander. Maturing was one important thing he did not run from.

You can listen to this true story here.

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