Thursday, July 21, 2022

Conquering What You Possess

As I was reading about Israel conquering the land this morning, I noticed in Deuteronomy 3:18-20 that it says that "Your God has given you the land..." and later it says the "LORD gives rest..."  I noticed that the LORD gives us both the ability to conquer and the ability to rest, but in both cases it is our responsibility to take possession of both. Israel couldn't conquer the land if they did not go into battle. The LORD made it very clear "go to this land and leave this land alone." Not all things or places are our responsibility to conquer. He also promised Israel rest, but they had to take it. 

For the most part, I get the conquer responsibility in that I must do my part. I fight the rest part. I might be thinking of the next thing I need to conquer instead of resting. Or how I can conquer rest. Lol!

Being with people and creating art are restful for me. Lately, I have been literally mind craving the need to create. This shows me that I have been in conquer mode for too long. I must take time to take possession of the rest the LORD gives me. 

So, I have been studying Impasto painting. I think I want to learn how to do it. Lol. I know I won't be able to conquer it!  Lol!  But I want to sit and see what God might create in me and through it rest.

Where do you struggle with taking possession of what God has given you? Do you struggle more with conquering the task or taking the rest? 

Father, please help us to be more mindful if what You have already given us and help us to take possession of it for Your glory.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Get Up and Go Get Grain

"When Jacob heard that grain was available in Egypt, he said to his sons, "Why are you standing around looking at one another?"

If the situation wasn't so serious I would let my laughter spill out because I can see me in this story. I have been in this type of situation before. You know one of those moments when life hits... A diagnosis, a death, a natural disaster, a person... And you find yourself just standing there frozen. Just staring at others not really knowing what to do when someone with a voice of reason speaks and then boom. You can move again. The voice of reason breathes life and causes the shock to disappear. Thanking God for all of the different voices of reason that God has sent to get me moving again. 

Now, on the side of the one who speaks reason. I have been there, too. It is so easy to walk in and see no movement and just forget the human factor that has just happened. Just because we may be able to see the next step doesn't mean we should forget the people. Praying that my reasoning is full of grace. Oh wisdom let generous grace over flow when we reason together through the trials of life.

 I have heard there is grain in Egypt. Go down there, and buy enough grain to keep us alive. Otherwise, we will die. (Genesis 42:1).

Monday, July 11, 2022

Stepping in Flood Stage Water

"As soon as the priests who carried the ark of the LORD-the LORD of all the earth- set their feet in the water of the Jordan, the waters that were flowing down stream were cut off and stood in a heap" (Joshua 3:13)

Joshua told the people to cross the Jordan. At this point, it was believed to be at flood stage.

Have you ever seen flood stage water? It is terrifying. It is deeper than normal. It is rapid. It is filled with debris that is sloshing to and fro. In Texas, it would have snakes and fire ants. I know because I have had to walk through it. I have no idea what critters it would have had in the Jordan but I imagine there were some.

Joshua told this huge group of people to get to the other side. They would have little children and little ewes. They would have carts and blankets and kitchen ware. They would have grandma's and grandpa's needing extra care.

Joshua said, "Go!"

It took the leaders to take the first steps. Someone had to be first to take the plunge. As soon as the priests stepped into the water God separated the waters and provided safe passage for the whole nation of Israel to cross. Can you image the numbers of people?

Taking that first step is terrifying. There are a thousand "what ifs" that try to slay us. The unknown is so hard to face. Sometimes, I would rather stay frozen and not move to the otherside. I would rather stay in my current mess rather than face an unknown mess. But, when I do that I do not get to walk in the miraculous! 

Right now I feel like we just crossed the Jordan. We have talked for a few years about moving my parents in. It was overwhelming. Daunting. A huge undertaking!  But once we took the steps it was so freeing and we had the privilege of seeing God do the miraculous! He moved the flood stage waters for us and gave us dry land to cross over. He sent the people we needed to move forward when we needed it. 

But it took the faith step to get in the water first. He has allowed us to enjoy the beauty of faith walking and the growth it gives us. 

Where might God being asking you to step into the water so He can part it for you? It is worth the plunge!