Sunday, February 23, 2025

Why can't we see our spiritual growth?

I was recently talking with a friend who shared she was frustrated because she couldn't see her spiritual growth. Why is it that there comes a point in our spiritual walk where we are not as able to see the maturing as we had initially? God quickly gave me a thought.

Have you ever noticed that we cannot see with the visible eye the growth of a tree trunk?

Once a tree reaches a certain stature it's growth really is not visible to the human eye. In fact, I looked up later that depending on the tree the growth rate of the maturing tree will only widen by only a few milimeters a year. To give you perspective it takes 25.4 milimeters to make an inch.

Quite simply we cannot see the growth, but it is there. It is recorded in rings inside the core of the tree.  The first lighter part of the ring shows the early spring growth and the darker part of the ring is darker showing the summer and fall growth. Each ring reveals the history that has taken place. The tree's story is written inside revealing favorable seasons by a wider band to indicate bountiful rain. While a skinny or tighter band reveals drought and struggle. Different trees will reveal the climate change differently because their species and location play a key role in how they respond.

Regardless, the story is recorded in rings and reveals what the tree has endured and celebrated through the years.

What we must understand is that the tree kept growing.  It wasnt visible, but it grew. So do we!  We may not be able to see our growth any more than a tree trunk's growth is visible in the moment, but in time we see it's growth. The things we face in life become a part of our story. They will affect our core. And depending on how we respond, it will be recorded in our story ring.

Regardless, we will keep growing. If we water ourselves with truth (the Word of God), we will know the nourishment that gives us wide rings revealing the strength in us.

When we face the lean, hard, and drought seasons this is when our roots will dig deep looking for water.

Did you know on average a tree roots will grow .5 to 1 meter a year. It takes about 400 meters to make a mile. This is also a slow process that cannot be seen, but it is steady and certain. Healthy roots will never stop seeking nourishment. Aka, water.

In our lean seasons when we think we are not growing, we need to keep digging to find good nourishment through the Word of God. This is what will sustain us. We cannot see it sustaining us, but it is and in time it will reveal itself as God makes a tree planted by the river bearing good fruit in every season.

Growth isn't visible, but it is certain. Keep seeking Him, His Word, and His way.

Shalom y'all.