Showing posts with label ASM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASM. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spot Light Good News Interviews Tara Rye

Join us for five interviews with Tara Rye of Audio Scripture Ministries, a missions organization that seeks to get the Bible in audio to people around the globe with a special emphasis on unreached groups. When they listen to God’s Word in their own “heart language,” amazing things happen by the power of the Holy Spirit!

To listen tune in to KCRO AM660, Monday-Friday at 5:30 & 9:45AM & 10:15PM or go to our website,'s interview.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK by Kevin Deyoung (writer) and Don Clark (illustrator)!

I am so excited about the Bible Greg bought me for Christmas, THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK by Kevin Deyoung (writer) and Don Clark (illustrator)!  

It is beautifully designed. Every page has incredible color and artful design. It reminds me of a modern designed Christmas card with bold colors and geometric designs.

I am looking forward to seeing how they have told the stories. Based on what I can tell it will be an excellent resource that captures a good story summary that could easily be told to any age group with the intent to help the hearer grasp the bigger narrative not necessarily the details.

This is a Bible translation that is meant to be experienced through the visual reading while listening to someone read or as you read.

The visual cues in the artistry will help with story recall and internalization.

It provides simple overview that will wet the appetite for more. 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Finding Value

"Our women stand taller because they know the Bible stories for themselves. It makes them confident. They feel seen and heard." This was shared with me in a culture where it is positional and culturally unacceptable for women to be valued.

As I read about the ruler who came to Jesus because his daughter just died and the woman who dealt with a blood flow for 12 years, I keep thinking about my friend's words because I see that Jesus cares (Matthew 9:18-26).

Jesus cared about a Roman ruler's dead daughter and was willing to go touch her so she could rise up. And even though no one knew of the bleeding woman's boldness to just touch the fringe of Jesus' cloak for healing, Jesus knew and cared.

In both of these situations, Jesus saw the person, heard their pain, and healed them. 

What if it isn't about perfect healing but about being seen, heard, valued, touched, and known? 

What if it is about courage, hope, and peace? 

What if it is about being bold and willing to go to Jesus and seeking Him? 

What if it is about surrender and trust?

Daily, I have the privilege of watching the gift of going to Jesus and how it gives all of these and so much more. 

What are you seeking Jesus for in your life? Are you going in boldness to Jesus? 

Or do you have something that you are too afraid to go to Jesus?

Did you know that the Roman Ruler asking for help from Jesus was positionally and culturally unacceptable? But he did it.

Did you know that the bleeding woman had already spent a fortune to find healing and as a woman it was positionally and culturally unacceptable for her to touch or talk to Jesus? But she did! 

Both were granted healing. 

Do you think they knew their value in Jesus eyes? 

Do you think those around them noticed their faith and confidence? 

We are told the report went through all the district about what happened.

Beloved, Jesus sees you. Jesus sees your family. Jesus sees your people. Jesus sees your nation. Jesus even sees the ruler's daughters and the woman on the street no one notices. Go to Him. Share your need and let Him speak life into you.

Be bold! Go to Jesus even when it is positionally and culturally unacceptable! 

Shalom y'all!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Obedience Builds Hope

Sometimes hope is born through obedience. We don't like the idea that our obedience will birth hope. Especially, when our heart is broken. Sometimes, we beg for the miracle, but it doesn't come. In some situations the miracle is found in the person who keeps moving forward doing the right thing even when it hurts. Consider Joseph. He modeled obedience that builds hope.

Maybe you are in a situation right now that requires obedience and it is not easy. Ask God to help you take the steps of obedience that will build hope. 

It may not be easy but taking courage and moving forward like Joseph did in marrying Mary is what gave us the Hope of the world. 

Who will grow in hope today because of your obedience? Do not be afraid. Take your steps of faith in o evidence knowing God has plans that we may never see but will give hope to many.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Suga's Story Continues

Senda shared, “About six months ago my husband asked this woman if she would disciple me. God put it on my husband’s heart that we will not reach our nation if the women are not taught about how much God loves and values them. He asked this woman if she would train me in how to tell Bible stories so the women in our nation can know that God sees them and hears their cries.

My husband and I met with her and her husband regularly for them to train us in story-centric discipleship. Story-centric discipleship means to know God through His sacred stories by listening, sharing, and teaching others His sacred stories so that we can know how to be in relationship with Him. I would like to come and tell you more sacred stories so that you can listen to them, then share them, and teach them to others as well.”

The elder’s wife said, “We would love this very much. We had a Jesus follower come to our village about 15 years ago and he shared Jesus stories with us, but we haven’t had a Jesus follower in our village since then.”

Senda said, “We will try to come and visit your village four times a year. If I come, will you be willing to gather groups of women and tell them the Bible stories, too?”

We all said, “Yes! Of course!”

Senda went on to say, “In my village on Saturday nights, I gather women from five different villages. I share the sacred story with them, and we practice until each of us can tell it accurately. Sometimes, I might need to tell it five times before everyone in the group can tell it accurately. I then ask them to go back to their villages and gather a group of women to do the same thing. They will gather the women, tell the story until everyone can tell it accurately and then they go share it at their village.

Each week when we listen to the story, we will take the time to ask at least these three questions: 1. What do you learn about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit? 2. What do you learn about the people both good and bad? 3. What should you do based on what you have learned? The women love it when we ask the questions because it gives them time to discover deep truths that God reveals to them in the stories.

Without thinking, I raised my hand slightly. Senda looked at me and said, “Yes?” It just came out of my mouth, “I can’t believe you are trusting us with these sacred stories?”

Senda smiled sweetly said, “It is not me that trusts you. It is God!”

I couldn’t believe it! God trusts me with His sacred story! I determined in my heart that I would gather women to tell His sacred stories every time Senda came and shared them with us.

Just then the men walked up to the courtyard and motioned that it was time for Senda to leave us. I didn’t want her to leave. I wasn’t ready because I wanted to know more sacred stories. We quickly hugged her goodbye and then she was gone. My heart felt joy as I thought of God’s sacred stories, but I also felt sadness because we didn’t know when Senda would return, but I started thinking of who I would invite to come and hear the sacred stories.

The next week I had invited five women from my village along with my sisters to hear the stories. I did exactly what Senda said she did with her women in her village. I welcomed them and then told them I wanted to share the sacred story of Jesus, the Son of the Most High God with them. I told them the sacred story several times until they were comfortable retelling it to each other. I then asked them to go out and tell it to a group of women they would gather and to do it the way I did it. I reminded them to tell it several times and have them practice it so they can tell it well. Then encourage them to go do the same.

My sister Praga loved listening to the stories too. She shared with me that wanted to tell the stories, too. This surprised me because Praga is a practicing Hindu. But the next week when we gathered together Praga shared that she invited five friends over and she also told them the sacred story of the Most High God sending Jesus to be born as a baby to Mary. Praga shared that the women in her gathering all agreed to go and tell the sacred stories to their friends the same way.

I couldn’t wait until Senda showed up again to share more sacred stories with us.

After about six months the white van drove up with the dust cloud swirling around it. This time all of the women that heard the van drive up rushed out to greet Senda. We were so excited to share with her that we were faithful in sharing the sacred stories. We encircled our arms around her arms, and we rushed over to our courtyard so Senda could share more stories with us. As we sat down to sip our tea and catch-up Senda asked us how it has been in our village. Normally, we would chatter about the happenings of each family, but not today. I couldn’t wait!

“Oh Senda, the Most High God makes us feel so valued. We stand taller because we have been trusted with His sacred stories. We can’t wait to hear more sacred stories about the Most High God and His Son Jesus! What story will you tell us today?”

Senda looked at each woman that gathered. There must have been well over thirty women this time waiting to hear the sacred story.

Senda pulled out a little black box and pushed a button and we heard a man’s voice say, “In Matthew 1, we are told this true story…” We sat mesmerized as we listened to the man’s voice tell us the generations that led up to the birth of Jesus. After listening for a while Senda shared with us that Audio Scripture Ministries provided these solar power devices for them to bring out to our village. Senda said, “The sun can charge it up for you so you can listen. Sit it out so that this side faces the sun, and the sun will give it energy to power it up.”

I wanted it so bad, but Senda gave it to the elder’s wife to be used in the village. Senda asked, “When will you gather so you all can listen to hear the Most High God’s sacred stories?”

We chose a day and agreed to gather, pray, listen, share, and then go teach it to others. Senda suggested that we listen to one chapter at a time and to play it as many times as necessary so that we can retell it accurately.

Then one of the women said, “Senda will you tell us a sacred story, too?”

Senda smiled and said, “Of course!” Senda bowed her head in prayer and then began to say, “In today’s sacred story, we will hear about how Jesus invited people to be His disciple. A disciple is someone that follows someone and does what they do. When you listen today, I want you to ponder if you are willing to be a disciple of Jesus, the Son of the Most High God. In this sacred story Jesus is called the Word.

Everything in the Bible is true. In John 1 we are told, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning…”

***This is a fictional account that is based upon a composite of stories taken from a team of storytellers. The names have been changed to protect the storytellers. Every scene is based on a true story that has been told of what is happening on the field.

Suga's Story

***This is a fictional account that is based upon a composite of stories taken from a team of storytellers. The names have been changed to protect the storytellers. Every scene is based on a true story that has been told of what is happening on the field.

I heard a car humming in the distance, so I got up from the fire where I was cooking to go see what was causing the noise. A small white van was approaching our village as the dust was kicking up and swirling in a dust storm behind it. When it pulled to a stop several of the village elders walked out to greet the family as they climbed out of the van. It was a husband, wife, and five children. It isn’t typical for us to have someone come to our village because it usually takes two to three hours to reach us from where the city people live.

I paused and watched as the head elder listened to the man speak as he motioned to his wife. The elder motioned for one of the women to come over to him and they introduced the women. The women walked away to our gathering area, so I hurriedly wiped off my hands and rushed over to see what was happening. At first, I stood at the edge of the gathering space in the courtyard waiting and hoping that I might be welcomed to come join them.

The women were seated on a grass mat and the elder’s wife was pouring tea from the pot for the women. It is our custom to offer tea when someone visits. It is very offensive to not accept the tea, but if the tea is accepted this means that the person accepts your hospitality. The visitor reached out and accepted the small cup of tea being offered to her. She cupped it in her hands as she sipped it nodding with pleasure at the soothing comfort it brings to the dry throat.

My friend looked over at me, “Suga, the woman has come to tell us stories. Please help me gather the other women so we can listen together.”

I was so excited! I hurried to get my mother and sisters to come! I said, “Mom, hurry! There is a visitor, and she wants to share some stories with us!” My mom and my sisters looked up with curiosity and got up to follow me. By the time we gathered around in the courtyard there were about four other women already there. The woman stood up front with a beautiful shalwar kameez in bright yellow with silver sequence on it. The sun made it sparkle as she moved around. She was so elegant and a bright contrast to the mud walls behind her.

She said, “Hi, my name is Senda. Thank you for welcoming me so kindly in your village today. I would love to share with you some sacred stories.”

We all sat up a little taller when she said they were sacred stories. We wanted to bring honor to our guest as she told them. In our tradition, it was our custom to gather and listen to sacred stories being told.

Senda said, “This is the sacred story of Jesus, the Son of the Most High God. It is told in the Sacred book called the Bible. In the Bible we are told this true story.

One day an angel spoke to a young maiden named Mary who was engaged to be married to Joseph. They lived in the land of Nazareth near Galilee. The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, favored one of God, the LORD is with you! You will give birth to a son, and you will call him, Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God. The LORD will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign forever. His kingdom will know no end.

Mary asked, “How can this be? I am still a virgin.”

The angel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. The child you will give birth to will be called holy—the Son of God. Even now your cousin Elizabeth in her old age will give birth to a son. She is six months pregnant even though she had been barren. For nothing is impossible with God.”

Mary responded to the angel by saying, “I am the LORD’s servant. Let it be as you have said.”

Then the angel departed from her.

I wondered at the story Senda was sharing with us. I wondered, why was this young maiden was so important? Why was her baby called the Son of God? How can I know more about this Son of God? He sounds so wonderful and powerful. Why have we never heard of this Son of God before? How can I learn more? As these questions were rolling around in my head Senda asked us a question.

“Would you like to hear the story again?” Everyone in the group nodded in agreement. So, Senda told us the true sacred story again. This time I listened with anticipation expecting the angel to tell the young maiden to not be afraid. It was if I was seeing the story unfold in my mind’s eye as she told the story. I was no longer there with our small group, but in the village with the young maiden called Mary as the angel talked to her.

When Senda finished telling the story she said, “May God honor the telling of His sacred story.”

Senda then asked, “What do you learn about God in this passage?”

At first, we all just sat there and looked at her. No one responded. We were not accustomed to someone asking us our thoughts when someone shared. We just listened. So, Senda coaxed us and said, “It is okay. I would love to hear what you think and what you have to say about the story. By answering it will help all of us discover truths together.

She asked again, “What do you learn about God in this passage?

I thought in my mind, “You said the baby was God’s Son!”

One of the women in the group said, “God sent an angel to talk to the young girl.”

Senda responded by saying, “Yes, God sent a messenger to the young girl. That was good. What else?”

Another woman said, “God was the Most High God!”

Senda responded, “Yes! God is the Most High God. There are no other gods like Him. What do you learn about His Son?”

“He would reign forever, and His kingdom will have no end!” my sister cried excitedly from the back of the group.

“You are so right! Very good! So, we have discovered that the Most High God sent His Son to earth to be born as a baby and that as He grows up His kingdom will last forever. What else do we learn about the Most High God?”

I whispered it aloud, “Nothing is impossible for Him.”

It took me by surprise when Senda said, “Yes! That is right! Nothing is impossible for the Most High God!” As she straightened her head covering that was slipping off her head she then asked as she made quiet eye contact with each of us, “What about Mary? What do we learn about Mary?”

One of the women raised her hand to get Senda’s attention and when Senda nodded acknowledgment she said, “Well, she was young and engaged.”

That hit me for a moment. Mary wasn’t married and she was told she would become pregnant with a child. This would bring shame upon her, shame upon her family, and shame upon her village. Why would God ask her to do that? I was too afraid to voice what I was thinking. I didn’t want to shame Senda by questioning her. But, I really wanted to understand.

My thoughts were interrupted by one of the women saying, “She was willing to listen to the angel and ask him questions.”

WOW! I hadn’t caught that either time Senda told the story. Mary questioned God’s angel! We don’t even sit in the same area as the men in our village much less talk to them. We would never consider asking them questions in response. What kind of God allows a woman to ask His angel questions? The more I thought about Senda’s sacred story the more I started to ask questions in my heart about the Most High God. It seems like He honored women, and He was willing to let women talk to His angels. He didn’t shame Mary. He lifted Mary up by blessing her. What kind of God gives women such honor? What kind of God gives women such freedom to speak? How can I know this Most Hight God?

“Yes! Good! These are great answers,” said Senda. “What do you learn about her response to the angel of the Most High God?”

One of the women whispered, “She said she was the Most High God’s servant and agreed that it should be as the angel suggested.”

I thought to myself, “That is what I want, too! I want to be the servant of the Most High God and do as He asks!”

“Yes! That is right! Mary said she was willing to be the LORD’s servant. She was willing to do as the LORD asks. I would like to share with you a little bit about my story and why I am here.”

I leaned in because I wanted to know everything about why Senda came to our village this day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Unconventional Ministry Podcast Interview on Story-Centric Discipleship in Bible Engagement

What a blessing! I was interviewed on Unconventional Ministry Podcast by Dennis Weins. 

My family always said I was Unconventional! LOL! 

What an honor and privilege!

Thank you Coleen Becker Black for the connection. Your introduction at the Grace Alumni Event made this possible. 

Dennis was an incredible interviewer that truly grasped the value of what I do as an oral strategist with Bible Engagement at Audio Scripture Ministries.

Feeling unexpectedly honored and excited for good fruit to be born through this podcast.

I'm listening to Unconventional Ministry | How Story-centric Discipleship Could Change Your Church on Podbean, check it out!

Unconventional Ministry Podcast

Thursday, December 31, 2020